Monday, May 9, 2022

Curiah City Comic :: A Brief History

Back in January of this year, I did a summary of my time attempting to create a comic series out of my story and character ideas. This project spans back as far as 2003, when I created the Green Bros. I was in high school at the time.

I'm entirely self taught, which was honestly probably a setback, as it took entirely too long for me to feel confident enough to keep a comic going. I almost abandoned the project multiple times, and at one point, I thought I would never draw much again in general.

Here is the original series of posts I made to Twitter, with visual examples of almost every attempt I've made to turn Curiah City into an ongoing story series.

As of now, Story One is complete, totaling 98 pages (including covers + ending page), and I am honestly still in a bit of shock. I never thought I could complete such a massive project, even with help and support. My creative cohort, Britters (@_britterbee on most social media), picked up flat coloring halfway through Story One - Part Two, which helped tremendously. I was able to produce content much more quickly because of the time and stress that one job freed.

Anyway... thank you for reading the comic, and for checking out this little timeline. This whole thing means a lot to me, as does the support we receive.

Thank you,